IntelliComp Risk Research & Analysis

EstiMod USA

National ExMod Calculator

IntelliComp Risk Analysis

EstiMod USA - for Only $500/Year

IntelliComp is the leading provider of experience rating and workers’ compensation data in California since 1996.  IntelliComp launches EstiMod USA at

EstiMod USA is the PREMIER  ExMod calculator in the United States.  And the Cost is an amazing $500/year.

EstiMod USA is a powerful NATIONAL experience modification calculator.  EstiMod USA calculates both intrastate and interstate (Multi state compatible), verify past, existing and predict future mods.

Intelligent and Concise Reporting, Including:

At just $500 per year, EstiMod USA is the most cost effective research service available - at as little as one-fifth the license cost of competitors.

IntelliComp Workers Comp Experts

EstiMod USA has the clear and concise reports you need to inform and sell employers their workers’ comp policy.  You don’t need to spend thousands on 30 different reports which confuse and overload employers.  Half of these reports require additional data that is difficult to gather.  Do you really want to ask the prospect to spend hours gathering the data?  You do not want to bother an employer to compile the last 4 years of Employers’ First Report Injury.  Most employers just want to know how the experience rating system works and how it’s affecting them.

EstiMod USA reports clearly identify why an employer’s ExMod is where it is.  And for only $500/year, the decision is easy.

Call or email us to request your guest credentials so you can review Estimod USA at your leisure.  Can we make it any easier?  No sales person will call to pressure you.  Need help to walk you through our site?  We are here to assist you.  After you see how EstiMod USA can take your business to the next level, sign up for only $500/year.

Did you know that IntelliComp has been providing workers’ compensation claims management since 1986?  Industrial Insurance Cost Control is simply the best claims management firm in the United States.  We are true claims management, NOT claims reporting.

IntelliComp, Industrial Insurance Cost Control and EstiMod are all under the same corporate umbrella.

Need California experience rating data with a fleet of tools for $600/year? Go to

EstiMod USA Testimonials

Our Clients are Saying:

“I recently found a new service: EstiModUSA at by IntelliComp.  EstiModUSA is offering concise reports which provide the information employers are looking for, how and why the employers’ xmod is high.  The input is easy and is all contained on one easy to read and understand page.  The one tool I love is XP CalcUSA.  This tool shows all the policy periods that will be used in the current and future xmod calculations, the unit stat levels, and the unit stat valuation month.  The most amazing part, is its Strategic Cancellation.  With Strategic Cancellation, you can actual limit the exposure of a high loss ratio year to 2 year and 9 months saving the employer 3 months of a higher xmod.  You can also increase the exposure of a great year which again lowers the xmod.  From this point forward, you will never want to change an employer’s policy period without using XP CalcUSA. I’m sold on and I love it.  The best part, it’s only $500/year. Over the years, I have used different xmod calculators and the cost is outrageous.  They all tout how many report are available.  Half of the reports require a lot of data input such as, part of body, cause, time of day, etc.  But it is not just about entering the data, it’s about getting the data.  The loss runs almost never have all the necessary information.  The rating bureau’s worksheet does not have the information.  It is necessary to obtain the Employer’s or Doctor’s First Report of Injury or OSHA logs, if they have them or if they are up to date.  My experience has been many of these report are irrelevant. The employer does not really care about all the details and confusing irrelevant information. They care about keeping their workers’ compensation insurance premiums down.  Many employers have stopped me in the middle of my presentation of the reports and have said “stop showing me all these reports.” Employers just want to know how you can help them to reduce their xmod and lower their premium.  I no longer waste my time and that of the employers with these reports.” Debbie M. – Insurance Professional

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IntelliComp and its EstiMod USA product are not associated in any manner with NCCI; the EstiMod USA Experience Modification Report is not an official NCCI Experience Rating Worksheet; and NCCI does not endorse the results produced from the EstiMod USA product.  NCCI States: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NM, NC, OK, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WV. Contact us for clarification or any other questions.